Water Use Reduction in California Using Modular Construction
With water use in California at an all time high and facing unprecedented drought conditions, the State Water Resources Control Board plans to adopt water reduction mandates on May 6 to implement Gov. Jerry Brown’s April 1 executive order mandating a 25 percent statewide reduction in water use. That decision is one of several important actions that will impact the San Diego region’s water supplies and conservation targets over the next year. The Water Authority has submitted formal comments to the state board about its proposed framework for water use reductions because the initial draft would undermine investments in water supply reliability projects and harm the state and local economies. In addition, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s board of directors on April 14 approved a 15 percent water supply cutback to the San Diego County Water Authority and its other customers starting July 1. The Water Authority’s Board of Directors will consider establishing fiscal year 2016 water delivery reductions for its 24 member agencies at a special...
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